Research collaboration grants call announced to encourage Franco-Irish research cooperation
Posted: 11 November, 2020

Ulysses partnership adapting and strengthening in 2021
A call for grants of up to €5,000 to create and strengthen Franco-Irish research cooperation were recently launched (10.11.20) by the French Embassy in Ireland and the Irish Research Council. The Ulysses grants are available to researchers in all fields.
In the uncertain global context linked to Covid-19, Franco-Irish research and cooperation is encouraged to address the challenges of tomorrow: health and climate but also logistics, social sciences, and the humanities. Faced with these new challenges, the Ulysses programme is inviting proposals for creative and innovative projects with societal benefits.
The current restrictions, requiring face-to-face collaboration to be limited, has forced the Ulysses programme to evolve and innovate. The issue of climate and sustainable countermeasures to mitigate global warming remain priorities for the programme. Creative projects on adaptation to health crises will also be highlights of this year’s call for projects. The eligible expenses in this context are extended to allow virtual cooperation until travel becomes possible and safe again. The duration of the partnerships is also being extended to 16 months to allow researchers to carry out their projects.
About Ulysses
The Ulysses scheme is implemented by the Irish Research Council (IRC) and the French Ministries of Europe and Foreign Affairs and of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. The scheme is seeking proposals under a number of different themes, including:
- Health proposals – for research that could be supported by the human health research organisation INSERM in France or the Health Research Board in Ireland.
- Energy projects – in connection with ADEME (the French Agency for the Ecological Transition) in France and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).
- Challenges highlighted during the Covid-19 crisis, in particular the use of sustainable energies and electricity transmission, but also just transitions to be implemented in various communities and the acceptability of technologies and industrial facilities. This strand of the programme is being delivered in partnership with EIRGRID and RTE, its French counterpart.
On the occasion of the call for projects opening, the French Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Vincent Guérend, said: “In the difficult pandemic context that we are experiencing, the Ulysses scheme is adapting and strengthening. Many academic projects will explore the aftermath of this crisis, including topics related to climate change, health and inequalities. We are thankful for the support of RTE (Réseau de Transport d’Électricité) and EIRGRID. Our commitment to this programme and the various adaptations proposed in the face of the pandemic mean that 2021 will be a year that will count for Franco-Irish scientific cooperation.”
The Chair of the Irish Research Council, Prof. Jane Ohlmeyer, said: “Covid-19 has obviously had a major impact on international travel and, in turn, on mobility for researchers. However, this does not mean that international cooperation has or must be stalled. We are delighted to work with our partners in France to adapt the Ulysses programme for the coming year and to ensure that cooperation between researchers in Ireland and France can continue.”