Department of Foreign Affairs – Irish Aid Projects
An Online Repository
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Online Repository of Projects
On this page you will find a collated repository for projects funded by the Irish Aid unit {edit} in the Department of Foreign Affairs under the suites of programmes in the Irish Research Council COALESCE, New Foundations and the Andrew Grene Scholarship
Excellent research across all disciplines has a major role to play in developing new knowledge and evidence, which policymakers and practitioners can utilise to guide action and interventions on the path to successfully achieving national or international societal challenges.
Since 2018, Irish Aid have funded strands on the New Foundations and COALESCE Schemes and an Andrew Grene Scholarship annually.
This funding provides opportunities for new collaborations between researchers in Ireland and researchers in eligible partner countries, based around excellent research projects aligned to the policy priorities set out in A Better World: Ireland’s Policy for International Development.
Further details about the projects are detailed in the table below. These projects showcase the eclectic range of diverse projects and their far-reaching and highly impressive impacts to date on the island of Ireland and further afield. These projects demonstrate the impact of discussions and workshops which foster cross-border exchange and future collaboration ideas.
The projects also evidence enhanced collaboration and strengthening and deepening of links between the public and private sector and industry.
The clarity, quality and innovativeness of these outputs can be seen through their public dissemination plans and promotional events. There are numerous examples of the development of conferences, workshops or networking and collaboration activities. Projects demonstrated strong engagement and collaboration with project partners and networks which has contributed towards future research funding applications and opportunities.
To read more detail about the impact of these projects and to view links to publications and other outcomes of the projects, please click here
Sample of Impact & Reports
Dr Anne Matthews
Final report: Research Report for Irish Aid and Nutrition Stakeholders on the use of Care Groups as a nutrition policy instrument in Malawi
Dr Edward Lahiff
Book Chapter: COVID-19, the Global South and the Pandemic’s Development Impact
From 6-8 July 2022, all members of our team, from UCC and USSH, attended the prestigious conference of the Development Studies Association, and two papers were presented to two different panels, by Drs Lahiff, Mishra and Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang, and Mr Nguyễn Trọng Chính. In July. the team hosted one of two final project workshops with an invited audience of research collaborators, civil society activists, researchers and policy makers. This was a two-day event, attended by all members of the team (some of them remotely) and a group of high-profile figures from Vietnamese state and non-state organisations, as well as academic researchers.
Dr Mac MacLachlan
Journal Article: Age related increase in impairment across the life course: the use of Zomba curves to estimate assistive technology needs in Malawi
Dr Ruairi Brugha and Dr Jakub Gajewski
Journal Article: Breast and cervical cancer screening services in Malawi: a systematic review
Irish Media: ‘An historic moment’: The first breast health training programme in Malawi – Medical Independent
Dr Siobhan Mullally
Video Discussion Panel: The Identification and Documentation of Trafficking in Persons in Situations of Forced Displacement
Dr Su-Ming Khoo
Full details and abstracts can be accessed from Dr Khoo’s institutional repository link, under the heading of ‘Conference Contributions’
COALESCE 2018 | Awardee Name (s) | Project Title | Higher Education Institute | Amount | Sample of Impact & Reports |
COALESCE/2019/89 | Dr Anne Matthews | Enhancing evidence-based infant feeding policy implementation in Malawi | Dublin City University | €349,615.00 | Research Report for Irish Aid and Nutrition Stakeholders on the use of Care Groups as a nutrition policy instrument in Malawi |
COALESCE/2019/36 | Dr Edward Lahiff | Social inclusion of rural migrants in Hanoi City, Vietnam | University College Cork | €308,368.75 | COVID-19, the Global South and the Pandemic’s Development Impact | Bristol University Press |
COALESCE/2019/114 | Dr Mac MacLachlan | APPLICABLE: Assistive Product List Implementation Creating Enablement of inclusive SDGs | Maynooth University | €349,865.00 | Age related increase in impairment across the life course: the use of Zomba curves to estimate assistive technology needs in Malawi |
COALESCE/2019/85 | Dr Ruairi Brugha and Dr Jakub Gajewski | The AKAZI Project | RCSI | €349,321.99 | Breast and cervical cancer screening services in Malawi: a systematic review |
COALESCE/2019/119 | Dr Siobhan Mullally | Human Trafficking, Forced Migration and Gender Equality in Uganda | University of Galway | €345,980.90 | The Identification and Documentation of Trafficking in Persons in Situations of Forced Displacement |
COALESCE/2019/88 | Dr Su-Ming Khoo | B-CAUSE: Building Collaborative Approaches to University Strategies against Exclusion in Ireland and Africa: pedagogies for quality Higher Education and inclusive global citizenship | University of Galway | €349,346.37 | BCAUSE has contributed to Advancing Critical University Studies Across Africa (ACUSAfrica), informed Irish HE equality policy development, and connected leading Irish, South African, European and global scholars working on quality, equality, decolonial and digital HE transformations. |
Sample of Impact & Reports
Dr Ricardo Simon Carbajo
Dr Elaine Murtagh
School in a war zone: how war has destroyed Gaza’s classrooms (
Dr Charles Spillane
Homepage – CRAFS (
Dr Debbi Stanistreet
Journal Article: Improved cookstoves to reduce household air pollution exposure in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review of intervention studies | PLOS ONE
COALESCE 2019 | Awardee Name | Project Title | Higher Education Institute | Amount | Sample of Impact & Reports |
COALESCE/2020/31 | Dr Ricardo Simon Carbajo | HealthyAIR: Modelling the Impact of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Public Health in Ho Chi Minh City for Policy Making and Awareness Creation using Machine Learning | University College Dublin | €338,066.25 | Ai Based Air Quality Pm2.5 Forecasting Models for Developing Countries: A Case Study of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam |
COALESCE/2020/14 | Dr Elaine Murtagh | Learning in Motion: embedding gender-responsive, play-based pedagogies in teacher education in Palestine | University of Limerick | €305,108.84 | Exploring teacher educators' perspectives of play-based learning: A mixed method approach |
COALESCE/2020/34 | Dr Charles Spillane | Resilience at the margins: Climate risk mapping and spatial decision support systems for strengthening the climate change resilience of the furthest behind in rural communities in Viet Nam | University of Galway | €349,218.75 | Resilience at the margins: Climate risk mapping and spatial decision support systems for strengthening the climate change resilience of the furthest behind in rural communities in Viet Nam |
COALESCE/2020/13 | Dr Debbi Stanistreet | Applying a sanitation approach to the problem of Household Air Pollution in Malawi; The smokeless village project | RCSI | €349,951.25 | Improved cookstoves to reduce household air pollution exposure in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review of intervention studies |
Sample of Impact & Reports
Dr Ann Nolan
EASE will work to improve practices and policy for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and assist Irish Aid to expand their programmes supporting adolescent health in the Afar region.
Dr Ehiaze Ehimen
Journal Article: Exploring the potential role of decentralised biogas plants in meeting energy needs in sub-Saharan African countries: a techno-economic systems analysis
Dr Robert Gillanders
Journal Article: Sextortion and Corruption
Journal Article: Police corruption and crime: Evidence from Africa
Journal Article: Smartphones and attitudes to intimate partner violence: Evidence from Africa
Policy Brief: Sextortion and Corruption
Policy Brief: Police Corruption and Crime
Policy Brief: Fighting for the Future: Women and the Fights for Ukrainian Independence in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Policy Brief: Health Sector Corruption and Access to Healthcare in Africa
Dr Susanne Barth
This project will play a key role in supporting the economy and people’s welfare by developing information and tools for increasing food and feed supply in the region.
The PI Susanne Barth and Atikur Rahman presented the AVENA project at the Self Helf Africa Stand at the 2024 BT Young Scientist exhibition.
Dr Una Murray
Journal Article: Turning climate justice into practice? Channelling loss and damage funding through national social protection systems in climate-vulnerable countries
Journal Article: Climate-related migration and the climate-security-migration nexus in the Central American Dry Corridor
Journal Article: Assessing the Evidence: Migration, Environment and Climate Change in Ireland
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
Dr Ali Khashan
Sustainable Development Goal 3 – Good Health and Well-being | University College Cork (
COALESCE 2020 | Awardee Name | Project Title | Higher Education Institute | Amount | Sample of Impact & Reports |
COALESCE/2021/97 | Dr Ann Nolan | Engaging Adolescents in Sexual Health Services in Ethiopia (EASE) | Trinity College Dublin | €349,900.50 | EASE will work to improve practices and policy for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and assist Irish Aid to expand their programmes supporting adolescent health in the Afar region. |
COALESCE/2021/41 | Dr Ehiaze Ehimen | Community Based Decentralised Renewable Energy Systems and Supporting Structures for Improving Electricity Access in Low Income Countries (CEANGAL) | Institute of Technology, Sligo | €344,134.36 | Exploring the potential role of decentralised biogas plants in meeting energy needs in sub-Saharan African countries: a techno-economic systems analysis |
COALESCE/2021/79 | Dr Robert Gillanders | Corruption, Gender, and Sustainable Development (COGS) | Dublin City University | €348,968.37 | Sextortion and Corruption. Police corruption and crime: Evidence from Africa |
COALESCE/2021/84 | Dr Susanne Barth | AVENA: Understanding winter-hardiness traits and photoperiod adaptation in oats (Avena sativa L.): a future food/feed crop for East Africa/Ethiopia | Teagasc | €349,467.50 | This project will play a key role in supporting the economy and people’s welfare by developing information and tools for increasing food and feed supply in the region. |
COALESCE/2021/75 | Dr Una Murray | Migration, Climate Change and Social Protection in Ethiopia (MiCASP) | University of Galway | €349,988.25 | Climate-related migration and the climate-security-migration nexus in the Central American Dry Corridor |
COALESCE/2021/51 | Dr Ali Khashan | Kilimanjaro ULTRA 2020: A Digital Delivery Register for Reproductive Health in Low Resource Settings | University College Cork | €349,530.81 | Kilimanjaro ULTRA 2020: A Digital Delivery Register for Reproductive Health in Low Resource Settings (Case Study) |
Sample of Impact & Reports
Dr Christine Bonnin
Project running to a different timeline – Impact to be updated
Dr John Devaney
The project will engage with academia in Senegal, Ireland, and beyond. Research findings will be presented at two academic conferences, at least, in Senegal, as well as seminars to staff and students at Gaston Berger University and Cheikh Anta Diop University (D4.3). Research findings will also be presented at two academic conferences in Ireland (e.g. Irish Ecological Society Conference, Irish Geography Conference) and two international conferences (Society of Ecological Restoration, Global Development Conference [D2.2]). In total, four peer-reviewed papers will be published in leading international restoration and development journals (e.g. Restoration Ecology, Journal of Applied Ecology, People and Nature, Land-Use Policy) (D1.1, D2.1). An impact goal is to build intellectual and infrastructural capacity for future climate action and development research in Senegal and Ireland. Our project will train and educate a cohort of professionals to become future leaders in restoration science. The quality of research proposed will increase the competitiveness of Irish and Senegalese agri-environment researchers when applying for European and International Funding.
Dr Eilish McAuliffe
Dr Leo Casey
Journal Article: Breast and cervical cancer screening services in Malawi: a systematic review
Dr Caitriona Dowd
COALESCE 2021 | Awardee Name | Project Title | Higher Education Institute | Amount | Sample of Impact & Reports |
COALESCE/2022/1732 | Dr Christine Bonnin | SYNERGI: Mozambique (SociallY iNclusive Edible uRban Green Infrastructure) | University College Dublin | €349,832.50 | Project is ongoing with updates due shortly |
COALESCE/2022/911 | Dr John Devaney | Future Proofing Senegal's Great Green Wall | Maynooth University | €295,985.17 | Project is ongoing with updates due shortly |
COALESCE/2022/1714 | Dr Eilish McAuliffe | Gendered Leadership Advancing Systems and Structures: Through Collective Leadership, Networks and Mentorship (GLASS) | University College Dublin | €349,232.50 | Project is ongoing with updates due shortly |
COALESCE/2022/1666 | Dr Leo Casey | What makes a good teacher? The challenge of enhancing teacher professional identity and capability in Cambodian schools | National College of Ireland | €188,860.00 | Project is ongoing with updates due shortly |
COALESCE/2022/1730 | Dr Caitriona Dowd | Gendered Dimensions of Hunger in Peacebuilding (GDHP) | University College Dublin | €347,674.57 | Project is ongoing with updates due shortly |
List of New Foundations Projects
New Foundations 2018
Sample of Impact & Reports
Dr Elaine Murtagh
Building Networks: Voices of Women in Peace Mediation on the Island of Ireland
Dr John Lannon
Padre Pio Rehabilitation Centre – Ahotokurom Ghana (
New Foundations 2018 | Awardee Name | Project Title | Higher Education Institute | Amount | Sample of Impact & Reports |
NF/2018 | Dr Elaine Murtagh | Learning in Motion Network: enhancing classroom practice through enhanced teacher education | Mary Immaculate College, Limerick | €9,660.00 | Building Networks: Voices of Women in Peace Mediation on the Island of Ireland |
NF/2018 | Dr John Lannon | Establishing ways of working to advance collaboration in education and research | University of Limerick | €10,000.00 | Working with partners in Ghana, including University of Cape Coast & Padre Pio Rehabilitation Centre |
New Foundations 2019
Sample of Impact & Reports
Dr Mary McNamara
This award has facilitated the creation of the Food and Biotechnologies Research and Innovation Centre as a platform for research in core areas of Food Safety, Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals & Medicinal Products.
Dr Siobhan Airey
Journal article: Rationality, regularity, and rule – juridical governance of/by Official Development Assistance
Dr Caitriona Dowd
Workshop Briefings: ‘A Year of Change: Local and National Transformations in Peace, Conflict and Humanitarian Need in South Sudan’ and ‘Conflict, Hunger and Resilience-Building in South Sudan’
Dr Eithne Dempsey
Journal Article: Copper-modified carbon nano-onions as electrode modifiers for the electroanalysis of the antiretroviral drug Efavirenz
Dr Frances Finn
Journal Article: Enhancing work-integrated learning through North-South collaboration: a comparative contextual analysis.
New Foundations 2019 | Awardee Name | Project Title | Higher Education Institute | Amount | Sample of Impact & Reports |
NF/2019/15903974 | Dr Mary McNamara | To create the Ireland Vietnam Food and Biotechnologies Research and Innovation Centre (FABRIC) | Trinity College Dublin | €10,000.00 | This award has facilitated the creation of the Food and Biotechnologies Research and Innovation Centre as a platform for research in core areas of Food Safety, Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals & Medicinal Products. |
NF/2019/15937636 | Dr Siobhan Airey | Blended Finance for Sustainable Development – Towards Effective Governance by Developing Countries | University College Dublin | €10,000.00 | Rationality, regularity, and rule – juridical governance of/by Official Development Assistance |
NF/2019/15822336 | Dr Caitriona Dowd | Network for Innovative Resilience-Building in South Sudan | Dublin City University | €10,000.00 | ‘A Year of Change: Local and National Transformations in Peace, Conflict and Humanitarian Need in South Sudan’ ‘Conflict, Hunger and Resilience-Building in South Sudan’ |
NF/2019/15518094 | Dr Eithne Dempsey | Electrocoagulation and Electro-Fenton based approaches to Mitigation of Emerging Contaminants in water | Maynooth University | €9,996.00 | Copper-modified carbon nano-onions as electrode modifiers for the electroanalysis of the antiretroviral drug Efavirenz |
NF/2019/15946011 | Dr Frances Finn | Work Integrated Learning (WIL), Industry Partnerships and Apprenticeships: Exploring WIL Management Models, Practices and Policy within Ireland and South Africa. | Waterford Institute of Technology | €9,616.00 | Enhancing work-integrated learning through North-South collaboration: a comparative contextual analysis. |
New Foundations 2020
Sample of Impact & Reports
Dr Barry McDermott
A manuscript based on the outcomes of the project has been prepared for publication and is currently under review: “Post-Partum Haemorrhage in Low-Income Settings: Strengths and Weaknesses of Current Non-Pharmacological Interventions” – submitted to Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing.
Dr Fredrick Ajwang
A report and policy brief were widely shared in Kenya as means of raising awareness to the problem of political violence. The Kenya Land Alliance has since adopted the report and the policy brief as internal documents, which they have since used in their community and policy programs.
Dr Danny Marks
As part of this project, Dr Marks delivered a seminar organized by the Centre for Khmer Studies as well as a seminar at the Royal University of Phnom Penh. An article has been submitted to the journal Political Geography and is awaiting publication.
Dr Mathias Urban
A co-authored paper for publication in an international peer-reviewed journal is currently under preparation.
New Foundations 2020 | Awardee Name | Project Title | Higher Education Institute | Amount | Sample of Impact & Reports |
NF/2020/21198992 | Dr Barry McDermott | Novel low-cost, robust device for prevention and treatment of Post-Partum Haemorrhage in low-resource settings. | National University of Ireland, Galway | €9,900.00 | A manuscript based on the outcomes of the project has been prepared for publication and is currently under review: “Post-Partum Haemorrhage in Low-Income Settings: Strengths and Weaknesses of Current Non-Pharmacological Interventions” - submitted to Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. |
NF/2020/21460984 | Dr Fredrick Ajwang | Markets, Electoral Competition, Norms and Ethnic Violence in Kenya | University College Dublin | €9,950.00 | A report and policy brief were widely shared in Kenya as means of raising awareness to the problem of political violence. The Kenya Land Alliance has since adopted the report and the policy brief as internal documents, which they have since used in their community and policy programs. |
NF/2020/21560493 | Dr Danny Marks | Helping low-income communities adapt to climate change in Phnom Penh, Cambodia by reducing their risk of flooding through collective action | Dublin City University | €9,540.00 | As part of this project, Dr Marks delivered a seminar organized by the Centre for Khmer Studies as well as a seminar at the Royal University of Phnom Penh. An article has been submitted to the journal Political Geography and is awaiting publication. |
NF/2020/21037423 | Dr Mathias Urban | Resilient Early Childhood Development, Education and Care Systems | Dublin City University | €9,853.20 | This project established a Global South-South-North research collaboration between three centres of excellence in Cambodia, South Africa and Ireland, to investigate the resilience of early childhood development, education and care (ECD/ECEC) systems in contexts of disruption, crises and uncertainty, and to develop a future shared research agenda with global network partners. A co-authored paper for publication in an international peer-reviewed journal is currently under preparation. |
New Foundations 2021
Sample of Impact & Reports
Dr Cliona Murphy
Dr Denise O’Leary
Delivery of workshops by Vietnamese experts: Workshop on Activating SAGETH: Mentoring Program for Women Businesses in the Field of Tourism – School of Tourism – Hue University
Dr Kristin Hadfield
This project strengthened connections with NGOs working in Uganda and with academic partners in psychology, women’s studies, and economics from the Global South and Global North. Additionally, it led to the preparation of a peer-reviewed paper on the state of promotion of well-being among displaced children and adolescents in Africa.
Dr Wim Naudé
Github Repository: Working files and codes used to generate the ‘Agriculture Growth Cycle and Trade’ database
New Foundations 2021 | Awardee Name | Project Title | Higher Education Institute | Amount | Sample of Impact & Reports |
NF/2021/27110682 | Dr Cliona Murphy | The Climate, Our Oceans and Primary STEM Education: Climate and Ocean Literacy Network Ireland and Mauritius | Dublin City University | €9,971.70 | Climate, Our Oceans and Primary STEM Education: Climate and Ocean Literacy Network Ireland and Mauritius (COLNIM) Project As part of this project, Dr Murphy has authored a research paper that will be submitted to the journal Environmental Education Research for publication. |
NF/2021/27380468 | Dr Denise O'Leary | A Sustainable Agenda for Gender Equality in Tourism and Hospitality: Promoting Entrepreneurial Pathways for Women in Central Vietnam | Technological University Dublin | €9,891.00 | A Sustainable Agenda for Gender Equality in Tourism and Hospitality: Promoting Entrepreneurial Pathways for Women in Central Vietnam As an outcome of this project, new pathways for female entrepreneurship have been promoted in the Hue region of Vietnam. Delivery of workshops by Vietnamese experts: Hue University Website |
NF/2021/26715518 | Dr Kristin Hadfield | Building a partnership to understand and promote child refugee wellbeing in Uganda | Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin | €9,999.96 | Dr Hadfield presented on a scoping review arising from the project at the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development conference in June 2022, European Association for Adolescent Research conference in September 2023, and the Brighter Futures conference in May 2024. This project strengthened connections with NGOs working in Uganda and with academic partners in psychology, women’s studies, and economics from the Global South and Global North. It led both to the preparation of a paper on the state of promotion of wellbeing among displaced children and adolescents in Africa and to an application for a larger project to the NIHR. |
NF/2021/27344683 | Dr Wim Naudé | Establishing the Data and AI for African Trade (DAIAT) Consortium | University College Cork | €9,973.42 | Github Repository: Working files and codes used to generate the ‘Agriculture Growth Cycle and Trade’ database |
New Foundations 2022
Sample of Impact & Reports
Dr Ashish Vashishtha
“Most-common Agricultural Residues in Vietnam and Ireland: Characterization serving for energy Purpose”, Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 59 No. 6C, pp. 85-90, DOI:
Project visits highlighted in LinkedIn posts here and here.
Dr Owen McIntyre
Transdisciplinary research workshop: at the University of Bologna (9-10 March 2023), where a total of 21 (potential contributors to the special issue) presented their related research: International Law and Transboundary Hydropower Workshop Bologna
Journal article: Transnational Governance Standards in Ensuring Sustainable
Special Issue of Frontiers in Climate on ‘Doubling Global Hydropower Capacity by 2050: What About the Transboundary Dimension?’
This includes the PI’s own contribution: O. McIntyre, ‘Transnational Governance Standards in Ensuring Sustainable Development and Operation of Hydropower Projects in Transboundary Basins’, (2023) 5 Frontiers in Climate Development and Operation of Hydropower Projects in Transboundary Basins
Dr Sarah Carol
Project partners presented research findings at Al-Quds University. Project partners visited the Ministry of Higher Education in Palestine to discuss our findings on vitamin B12 levels in Palestine and lobby for better support to understand the health situation of Palestinians using national versus international reference values. Project partners also visited the refugee camp Al-Arroub in Hebron and met with representatives to discuss project findings to understand the exclusion experiences of camp members in surrounding areas. A working paper with the key findings is currently being finalized and planned to be published in a Working Paper Series
Dr Vincent Tawiah
Findings of the project are currently under review at Cogent Business & Mgmt. The project was also presented at the African Accounting and Finance Association (AAFA) conference in Ghana.
New Foundations 2022 | Awardee Name | Project Title | Higher Education Institute | Amount | Sample of Impact & Reports |
NF/2022/38292743 | Dr Ashish Vashishtha | Techno-economic, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Waste to Synthetic Fuel Technologies in Circular Economy | South East Technological University, Carlow | €9,942.80 | This project has developed various pathways for sustainable use of waste-resources available in Vietnam and Ireland and it was identified that SETU and USTH has complementary experimental facilities for sampling different biomass available in Vietnam and Ireland with future collaboration plans underway. “Most-common Agricultural Residues in Vietnam and Ireland: Characterization serving for energy Purpose”, Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 59 No. 6C, pp. 85-90, DOI: |
NF/2022/39188305 | Dr Owen McIntyre | Doubling Global Hydropower Capacity by 2050: What About the Transboundary Dimension? | University College Cork | €9,990.00 | Transdisciplinary research workshop, University of Bologna (9-10 March 2023), where a total of 21 (potential contributors to the special issue) presented their related research: See below links or attached file |
NF/2022/38740341 | Dr Sarah Carol | Well-Being in the post-COVID-19 Era: the Impact of COVID-19 on Palestinian Refugees and Bedouins in the West Bank | University College Dublin | €10,000.00 | Project partners presented research findings at Al-Quds University. Project partners visited the Ministry of Higher Education in Palestine to discuss our findings on vitamin B12 levels in Palestine and lobby for better support to understand the health situation of Palestinians using national versus international reference values. Project partners also visited the refugee camp Al-Arroub in Hebron and met with representatives to discuss project findings to understand the exclusion experiences of camp members in surrounding areas. A working paper with the key findings is currently being finalized and planned to be published in a Working Paper Series |
NF/2022/39249529 | Dr Vincent Tawiah | Local directors in Multinational Companies (MNC) and sustainability in Africa | Dublin City University | €9,965.00 | Findings of the project are currently under review at Cogent Business & Mgmt. The project was also presented at the African Accounting and Finance Association (AAFA) conference in Ghana. |
New Foundations 2023 | Awardee Name | Project Title | Higher Education Institute | Amount | Sample of Impact & Reports |
NF/2023/1283 | Dr Áine Travers | Developing a research network to prevent and respond to partner violence in Ugandan refugee settlements | Dublin City University | €9,960.00 | Project is ongoing and impact/reports will be updated in due course |
NF/2023/1240 | Dr Edward Lahiff | Building capacity in civil society and local communities for sustainable rural development in Vietnam, in the context of the EU-Vietnam Trade Agreement and Investment Protection Agreement | University College Cork | €10,000.00 | Project is ongoing and impact/reports will be updated in due course |
NF/2023/1245 | Dr Joanne Banks | Synergies in Shaping Inclusive Educational Reform in the Global North and South: Policymakers and Academics in Ireland and South Africa | Trinity College Dublin | €10,000.00 | Project is ongoing and impact/reports will be updated in due course |
NF/2023/1816 | Dr Danny Marks | Reducing Plastic Pollution in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Dublin City University | €9,950.00 | Project is ongoing and impact/reports will be updated in due course |
List of Government of Ireland Andrew Grene Projects
Completed Projects
2018 —— Dr Cian Kearns —–Bad Neighbourhoods and Bad Influences: Using exogenous factors to improve the accuracy of statistical risk assessment models for genocide —–
Dr Kearns’ research showed that external factors, those not derived from within a country itself, do affect that country’s risk of genocide. For instance, it appears that the level of a democracy of a country’s neighbours has more impact on that country’s risk of genocide than the country’s own type of government. Furthermore, while it is known that a country with a prior history of genocide is at higher risk of a new genocide, it also seems that having neighbours who experienced genocide also increases that likelihood. Using these findings could improve the performance of current risk assessment models for genocide. An opinion piece was submitted to the Journal, click here.
2019 —– Dr Aisling Walsh —– Healing Justice – Decolonial Feminist Theory and Praxis in Post-Conflict Guatemala —–
Dr Walsh published an article with Third World Quarterly entitled ‘Embodied healing and justice in wounded territories: reflections from feminist and decolonial research-activism in Guatemala‘ in June 2023.
Dr Walsh also had a chapter in the book Qualitative and Digital Research in Times of Crisis published by Bristol University Press called ‘Beyond extraction: co-creating a decolonial and feminist research practice in post-conflict Guatemala’
Dr Walsh also participated in the International Studies Association Annual Conference: Participation on panel coordinated by Pasha Bueno-Hansen and Jaime Hagen ‘Queer Trans Feminist Engagements with Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice’ presenting Beyond the Peace Institutions: Embodied justice and paths towards healing in Guatemala and the Latin American Studies Association annual conference for 2023 presenting a paper entitled ‘Justice from the Body: Sociological speculations and fabulations on sexuality as vitalist politics.’
Further, Dr Walsh wrote for RTÉ Brainstorm and the LSE Engenderings blog, both of which are available to read online.
LSE Engenderings: Time and Space for Embodied Feminist Pedagogies in the Classroom?
RTÉ Brainstorm: The problematic elements behind uncritically embracing cacao ceremonies
2020 —- Dr Nandini Gupta —— The Wandering Minstrels of Hope: Tracing the Role of Women’s Grassroots Peacebuilding in Kashmir and Northern Ireland ——
Dr Gupta completed the qualitative fieldwork in Kashmir by collecting 25 semi structured interviews, analysed the data and completed chapters for the data gathered from both sites. Dr Gupta developed the “Mindfulness-based research”, a methodological approach devised during this research
Dr Gupta was nominated by Trinity Research Centre for the award of Early Career Researcher to Irish Research Council for demonstrating exceptional level of career achievement and was also nominated by the head of the School of Religion, Theology, and Peace Studies for the PG Teaching Award which recognizes the contribution of research students in teaching activities for the school
The research was presented at Charm- Eu University where the awardee was nominated to work as an academic supervisor for CHARM-EU University.
2021 —- Dr Julia Cañas Martínez —— Who are the Western Women of the Islamic State? Exploring the Lives and Motivations of Women in Conflict —–
Dr Martinez’ research helps to better understand how and why women join violent political organisations, which can aid in addressing the root causes of conflict. The overall question examines why Western women joined the Islamic State.
In 2022, Dr Martinez was named the Rising Star Researcher for the month of July by UCD’s Institute for Discovery Institute. This award recognises researchers at UCD who carry out inter-disciplinary research and who could become future leaders of their respective fields.
Dr Martinez took part in the UCD School of Politics and International Relations’ weekly seminar series in February 2023. This same paper received a revise and resubmit from the peer-reviewed journal Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. Dr Martinez spoke about her research into women in the IS on the podcast produced by the UCD Institute for Discovery. She was also invited to give a talk at Trinity College Dublin’s Theological Society in October 2023.
Government of Ireland Andrew Grene Projects | Awardee Name | Project Title | Higher Education Institute | Amount | Sample of Impact & Reports |
GOIPG/2018/1552 | Dr Cian Kearns | Bad Neighbourhoods and Bad Influences: Using exogenous factors to improve the accuracy of statistical risk assessment models for genocide | University of Limerick | €48,000.00 | Sample outputs listed above |
GOIPG/2019/4454 | Dr Aisling Walsh | Healing Justice - Decolonial Feminist Theory and Praxis in Post-Conflict Guatemala | University of Galway | €98,937.00 | Sample outputs listed above |
GOIPG/2020/127 | Dr Nandini Gupta | The Wandering Minstrels of Hope: Tracing the Role of Women’s Grassroots Peacebuilding in Kashmir and Northern Ireland | Trinity College Dublin | €78,125.00 | Sample outputs listed above |
GOIPG/2020/1116 | Dr Nery Ramati | The Use of Preventive Artificial Intelligence Tools in Counter-Terrorism (PAITCT) and their Impact on Human Rights: The Case of the Israeli Security Agency (ISA) AI Tool. | Dublin City University | €108,870.00 | The research project is ongoing. The data collection stage has been completed and Dr Ramati is advancing the research writing phase. Dr Ramati presented 'Criminalising Political Resistance in Palestine. Israel’s use of military law and the courts in the Occupied Palestinian Territories' at Political Power, Criminality and Conflict Conference in 2022. |
GOIPG/2021/1150 | Dr Julia Cañas Martínez | Who are the Western Women of the Islamic State? Exploring the Lives and Motivations of Women in Conflict | University College Dublin | €53,833.33 | Sample outputs listed above |
GOIPG/2022/1733 | Dr Elizabeth Rosales Martínez | Towards an activist translation. Translating testimonies of those searching for victims of enforced disappearance in Mexico | University College Cork | €119,833.33 | The research project is ongoing with expected milestones reached thus far. Dr Martinez has attended several in-person and online conferences relevant to her doctoral research and has participated in two conferences presenting a paper of her authorship. She has also created a podcast episode tailored to a non-academic audience |
GOIPG/2023/3883 | Dr Hannah Frank | Why do some protests escalate to civil conflict while others do not? | Trinity College Dublin | €61,000.00 | The research project was awarded in 2023 and Dr Frank has currently has over five papers ready for submission. Relevant links will be uploaded in due course. |